"Diagramms" explores synthesizer’s schematic and circuit diagrams as a new kind of graphic notation, highlighting the structure and logic that lies behind the surface of the analog synthesizers. To investigate the logical process of the musical results of these devices, “the driving force” behind what we hear. What is the sound of these complex diagrams, where the conductive paths and musicality of their design resembles that of graphic musical scores?The basic structure of the artwork utilizes diagrammatic drawings printed on a two-dimensional printed circuit board that integrates a system of a touch sensitive controller with a variety of pressure and position activated outputs that quickly weaves intricate melodies. My goal is to create a multidisciplinary art form that combines visual, auditory and tactile experience, focused on the sense of proximity between the artwork and the participant. The usage of diagrammatic notation can be seen as a symbolic language system that behaves as a rhizomatic network, from which music arises as an unpredictable emergent phenomenon. Following along with the diagrams can be a rewarding sound experience. The printed circuit board’s texture not only improves the sensing, but also provides a haptic experience, allowing multiple explorations and interpretations.